Richard-Strauss-Straße 3
D-50931 Köln
Gerichtsfach 1164




Air and Transport Law

flugzeugOur office’s customer base includes airlines operating internationally, whose legal interests are comprehensively represented. These include amongst other things drafting contracts, designing general terms and conditions of business or terms and conditions of carriage, as well as adapting these to specific national characteristics and handling questions of competition law. Naturally our tasks also include providing advice and conducting cases associated with issues of liability under air law. The increasing Europeanization of air traffic law has led to a complex variety of regulations. Through our activity we promote the interests of the airline industry, which do not necessarily have to be diametrically opposed to the passengers’ interests. In this way we make a contribution towards cost-effective and customer-friendly air traffic.

Our office is located close to the University of Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law. For a long time after it started operations in 1925, the Institute of Air and Space Law was the only institute throughout the world which handled legal issues to do with aviation. Nowadays it is affiliated to the Chair for Public International and European Law, European and International Economic Law at the University of Cologne. As well as university teaching, internationally recognized workshops are held here and major publications are issued.

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